
I help busy leaders manage stress by simplifying their lifestyle through one-on-one coaching.

As a licensed pharmacist, wellness coach and global speaker, I’ve been graced to see beyond your appearance.

But it took seasons of surrender and redefining moments to recognize that it was more than a gift. It was a calling to inspire, create and coach leaders to an improved quality of life. 

You can work long hours like my family members, but accomplishments and busy schedules won’t fix your fears, insecurities, emptiness and scars.

I’ve lived through years of unhappiness, cringe-worthy family gatherings and burn out.

Like you, I wasn’t allowed to question the adult behaviors so I journaled my thoughts but deep down, I wanted more.

The Revelation


And that curiosity led to spiritual practices, studying interpersonal relationships and the mystery of science (hence my journey as a pharmacist).

This work is called emotional intelligence.

However, no one had the blueprint for my journey so I did the following:

– pursued a college degree (or two), went to church, fell in love hoping for the white picket fence dream and landed a good job with great insurance and a 401K plan.   

However, accolades and awards were great until my foundation crumbled. My mother and grandmother (my friends) died two years apart. 

I was functioning but seeking approval from people with no fruit became a thing.

Sounds fine but you can’t thrive off of being a ‘fixer’ and leave a legacy. 

My mission is to help YOU declutter your life and quit over performing.

This reawakening of your mind, body and soul now include  YOU.

Here’s your prescription to canceling sleepless nights. You can pursue your dreams but the goal is to not lose your soul in the process and I can help you.



I’m Dr. Lorneka, a licensed pharmacist from The Bahamas but a Florida resident. When I travel the world speaking and coaching, I’m usually approached about how I became so bold and passionate with my calling and my response goes a little like this –

My gift is to see beyond what meets the eye. But it took seasons of surrender and redefining to develop this for the world. 

Most of my loved ones worked tirelessly and tried not to call in sick because a paycheck was everything. However, paystubs didn’t remedy their fears, insecurities and voids which resulted in emotional scars.

This led to years of uncomfortable family gatherings and rocky lifestyles. Like you, I wasn’t allowed to question God or adult behaviors so I escaped through writing.

I knew that I was made for more.

(Pictured here with Miami Dade College Eduardo J. Padron after receiving my hall of fame award). 

And that desire for more led to journaling, prayer, merging interpersonal relationships and wellness. This is called as emotional intelligence (EI).

However, no one had the blueprint for my purpose so I did what most of us do

– pursued a college degrees, went to church, fell in love hoping for the white picket fence lifestyle and landed a good job with great insurance and a 401K plan.   

However, being perfect Patty, numerous national and international awards were all great until everything that held me together crumbled. My mother and grandmother (my angels) both died two years apart which magnified emotionalism and fear of the future.

I was functioning but I played small because showing up well for others, seeking approval from people with no fruit became a thing. 

Sounds familiar? I know. There’s nothing wrong with supporting others but something tells me that you thrive off of being a ‘fixer’ which means you are afraid to really search your soul.

My mission is to help you declutter your lifestyle and avoid a $7600 hospital bill from stress and over performance (yes, I didn’t see it coming).

Breaking these boxes and reawakening your mind, body and soul now include YOU.

It’s time to quit going through the motions and become the real you 5.0 (the number five represents grace). No more sleepless nights. The goal is to not lose your soul in the process as you thrive.


My Professional Bio

  • Doctorate of Pharmacy – Graduate of Florida A & M University | Certified HIV/AIDS 500/501 Counselor 
  • Recognized by actress Taraji P. Henson’s mental health foundation 
  • Miami Dade College 2016 Alumni Hall of Fame Inductee 
  • Featured in Forbes, Essence magazines and Comcast TV  
  • Allen Entrepreneurial Institute Awardee 
  • Publications – Forbes Magazine and Women Own Excellence Magazine
  • Miss Bahamas Beauty World 2008 & Best Smile Winner

Binge-watch shows like Friends, Golden Girls or Seinfeld, get massages and enjoy time with loved ones.


Women’s empowerment, faith, hot tea and unique love stories.


At 7 years old, I was chosen by the Girl Guides’ Association of The Bahamas to welcome Queen Elizabeth II during a royal visit (cues confetti)

I’m afraid of frogs and cats  

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